Chapter 2: Work, the Curse of the
Drinking Class
Playing for the high one, dicing with the
Going with the flow, it's all a game to me
Seven or eleven, snake eyes watchin' you
Double up or quit, double stakes or split
Ace of Spades - Motorhead
No matter how many years passed since that day.
Harry would always
find the memory of it perfectly clear in his mind. He would be able to
replay it with remarkable ease, pinpointing the exact moment when he
thought his heart had ceased to beat in his chest.
After Hermione's revelation the two boys stared
at each other with
similar expressions of alarm and disbelief. She sat, looking between
them with a nervous expression, and another thundering silence
enveloped them, ringing painfully loudly in Harry's ears.
"I beg your pardon?" Draco asked in a voice that
suggested only a thin scrap of control.
"You're lovers," Hermione repeated. "You have
been for two years." Harry felt light-headed.
"I don't believe you," he said. "No way would
that ever happen."
"Oh really?" Hermione asked and got up. She
walked over to the
shelves against the wall and plucked from it a picture that had been
half hidden behind a white vase of lilies. It was a wizarding
photograph of Harry and Draco. They were standing, locked in an
embrace, their arms tangled round each other and their lips brushing.
It was quite a recent photo, judging by their appearances, and left
them in little doubt that what Hermione was saying was true.
"I think I'm going to throw up," Draco said
suddenly, and he did look faintly green.
"So you mean, when we woke up in the same bed
earlier..." Harry
said, letting the question hang unfinished. Hermione grinned at him
"You had probably just been having some hot,
gratuitous sex," she
said, and Harry felt his insides squirm most unpleasantly. Draco looked
utterly disturbed, and sat down heavily on the other sofa.
"Oh God," he said, "this can't be happening." He
held his head in
his hands, and Harry knew he was wishing he could wake up and make it
all a horrible dream.
"We have got to get back to our own
time," Harry said emphatically. "I think I'm scarred for life."
"I think you should look for a way to return as
quickly as
possible," Hermione said, suddenly businesslike, "and I don't think you
should tell anyone else about you being here, not until you know for
sure why you came."
"We told you," Harry said in a strained voice,
"the potion we made went wrong, nothing more complicated than that."
"Maybe," Hermione said. "It might be completely
innocent but you can't rule out at this stage the possibility of a
"By whom?" Harry asked, glancing over at Draco who was lying prone on
the sofa, muttering to himself.
"Voldemort," Hermione said promptly. "Just think,
Harry, you're a
sixteen year old in the body of a wanted adult. You have only
rudimentary knowledge compared to your future self, and you are both
incredibly vulnerable right now. Especially to Death Eater attacks."
"I wouldn't be," Draco said from the corner.
"Actually," Hermione replied, "you would." Draco
looked up with a start.
"Why?" he asked. "I'm the son of a Death Eater- oh
shut up, Potter -why would I be in danger?"
Hermione looked at him with a sympathetic
"You renounced the Dark Side years ago," she said
kindly, "and you
declared open support for Dumbledore and you joined the Order of the
Phoenix. You have been helping our side, ever since you got together
with Harry. You're a marked man as well, Draco." Draco seemed to have
been rendered speechless.
"Oh crap," he groaned. "What the hell have I
"Someone with a lot more respect than you would
have been if you had
stayed on the path you were treading," Hermione said sternly. "You made
the right choice, Draco, and you have been invaluable to us." Draco
felt his ears go pink.
"Praise from Granger," he said. "I never thought
I'd see the day."
"Draco," Hermione said with a sigh, "I told you.
Don't call me that, I'm not a Granger any more."
"What are you?" Harry asked. "Who did you marry?"
"Tell me it wasn't Weasley," Draco said with a
"No actually," Hermione replied and then blushed,
"I married a muggle. His name is Sean Peterson."
"You married a muggle?" Harry looked surprised.
Draco made pointed vomit motions.
"I had almost forgotten what a prat you used to
be," she said to him and he desisted, looking murderous.
"What else has changed?" Harry asked. "Tell us
about our lives." Despite himself, Draco sat down, listening intently.
"Well..." Hermione said, "I don't know where to
begin. You two have
been together for two years, although in your seventh year you did have
a couple of secret assignations that you only confessed to after
leaving Hogwarts." Draco groaned. "You, Draco," Hermione went on, "went
abroad after we finished school, and you travelled the world, studying
dragons and getting attacked by some hybrid skrewts that escaped from
Hagrid and found their way across the channel."
"I did?" Draco asked. "I always wanted to travel."
"Yes. You came back to England about two and a
half years ago and then you and Harry met again," Hermione replied.
"What happened?" Harry asked, almost dreading the
"Well let's just say it was lust at first sight,"
Hermione smiled.
"I've never seen anything like it." Harry was making a point of not
looking at Draco, whose expression he could clearly imagine. "You got
back together not long after," she continued, "and you bought this
place a year ago."
"Where are we?" Draco asked curiously.
"We live in Manchester," Hermione said, "on the
border of the
Wizarding Quarter. That's why you can have a TV without it going schizo
because of the magic. I live a couple of streets away."
"What about Ron?" Harry asked eagerly. "And
everyone else from Hogwarts?"
"We still keep in touch with Ron," Hermione said.
"He's been engaged
to Lavender Brown for over a year, and they live on the very edge of
the city. Unfortunately Ron and you," she pointed to Draco, "still
don't get on very well." Draco nodded in a satisfied fashion.
"Long engagements give people the opportunity of
finding out each
other's character before marriage, which is never advisable," he said
haughtily, the trace of a smirk crossing his face.
"Nice to know some things never change," said
"Neville's running for Minister for Magic-"
Hermione said with a smile.
"Neville?" Harry exclaimed.
"Neville Longbottom?!" Harry couldn't
believe his ears. The
Neville Longbottom he knew was a round faced, forgetful boy who made a
habit of melting his cauldrons and losing his toad.
"Ha! Longbottom as Minister for Magic!" Draco guffawed, the thought
amusing him greatly.
"Don't judge," Hermione said sternly, perceiving his amusement. "He
graduated with top grade NEWTS; it seems as though he was hiding his
light under a proverbial bushel." Draco muttered something about
cast-iron bushels which the others ignored.
Harry was impressed, "You're kidding? Well good
for him."
"Dumbledore died the year before last," Hermione
went on, picking
out scraps of information that would be particularly relevant to them.
"Headmistress McGonagall took over his position."
"Dumbledore's dead?" Harry felt suddenly very
cold. "How?"
"Old age," said Hermione sadly, "the one thing
that no-one thought
would ever kill him." Harry was quiet for a moment and Hermione rested
her hand on top of his.
"Is the Order still working against Voldemort?"
he asked after a while.
"Yes," she replied, with a frown, "he's in hiding
abroad again. He
was weakened in a battle with some Order members about eighteen months
ago and he fled. His Death Eaters are still active, though, and
Voldemort was by no means defeated." Harry nodded, Draco was examining
his nails. "Anything else?" she asked.
"What kind of a couple do we make?" came Draco's
voice, and both Harry and Hermione looked up, surprised.
"You what?" she asked.
"You heard," Draco said. "What are we like as a couple?" he repeated.
Hermione smiled at him.
"You're very passionate- trust me, we've
heard you keep us
awake at night -and very argumentative. You don't seem to go more than
a fortnight without falling out, but you are more devoted to each other
than any couple I have ever seen. You do almost everything together
and..." she broke off, looking at them both with a fond, if slightly
sadistic grin, "you fuck like bunnies." Harry let out a strangled cough
and Draco sank lower into the sofa.
"Thanks for that mental image," he said,
"You asked," Hermione replied smugly.
"Now I feel sick," said Harry, leaning
back and closing his eyes, "and I'd only just come to terms with all
this time travel shit."
"That reminds me," Draco murmured, "how are we
going to get home?"
"I don't know," Hermione said thoughtfully. "I
can always look in my library, and see if anything turns up."
"You have a library?" Harry stifled a laugh.
"Of course," Hermione looked at him as if this
was the most natural thing in the world, "did you ever doubt I would?"
"No," admitted Harry, "but what do you propose we
do in the meantime?" Hermione laid one manicured hand on his lap.
"I suggest that you pretend to be Harry and Draco
of this time," she
said, "at least for the time being. Just keep up the deceit until I can
find something that will send you home."
"Ok," Harry sighed. "Malfoy, do you agree?" Draco
eyed him for a moment before nodding.
"I'll be good, Potter," he said, "but we had
better find something quick, this is getting bizarre."
"I'll have a quick look in the library before
dinner tonight,"
Hermione said, "and then you can come over on Thursday for a proper
search if you like."
"What's happening for dinner tonight?" Harry
"Oh right, you don't know," said Hermione, more
to herself. "We're
all going to dinner tonight at Le Petit Blanc. It's a restaurant near
here which we are all very fond of."
"'We' being?" Draco asked.
"Oh, Sean and myself, you and Harry, Ron and
Lavender, Ginny and
Seamus. Sometimes the twins come as well. Their business in Diagon
Alley is thriving but they don't get a lot of time off."
"Great," said Draco, "I get to spend my evening with a bunch of
sodding Gryffindors." Hermione gave him an odd, unreadable look before
nudging his knee.
"We haven't been Gryffindors for eight years,"
she said softly,
"Those years are just long distant memories to us." Draco looked
suddenly downcast and Harry, too, felt the burden of their impending
pretence. One slip of the tongue could let everyone know their secret,
and then they would have a lot of explaining to do to a lot of people.
Harry agreed with Hermione's advice for their identities to stay
hidden, the fewer people who knew about their predicament the better,
or their lives could be in danger from anyone with a grudge against the
Boy-Who-Lived. From Harry's experience, that was many.
Hermione, meanwhile, picked up her pinstripe
cloak and swung it around her shoulders, fastening it below her
"I'd better go," she said. "I want to go home and
get changed. I'll
come and collect you around six. Wear something smart, and remember who
you're supposed to be." Harry and Draco stood up as she turned to leave.
"Thanks, Hermione," Harry said, and she bent down
and kissed him on the cheek.
"You're welcome. See you later Draco," she went
to kiss him too
before remembering who he was. Giving a short laugh at the expression
on his face she left, exuding a bright confidence that Harry had never
seen in her before.
Harry and Draco were left with the stifling
silence of their flat
and the knowledge that had come into their possession. There was an air
of embarrassment hanging over them like a shroud, and neither really
knew what to say to break the deafening quiet.
"That was..." Harry trailed off.
"Enlightening?" Draco supplied.
"You could say that," Harry answered. "At least
we know a bit more about what this world is like."
"I can't believe..." Draco began, "...we're...you
"It just seems so weird," he went on, "and
according to Gran- Hermione, we get together in our seventh
"I know," Harry didn't know how to react to this
news. "It's...unnerving."
"I can't even imagine how that would come about,"
Draco seemed
really shocked, "I mean, you're going out with the Weasley girl and
"Yes?" Harry prompted with sudden interest, noticing a pale blush grace
Draco's cheeks. "Who are you currently shagging?"
"My love life is none of your business, Potter,"
Draco spat.
"On the contrary," Harry said nastily, "I am
your love life,
or did you miss the part about us fucking like bunnies?" Draco turned
around very slowly and gave him an icy look.
"I heard," he said, "and as much as I wish it
couldn't be true, there seems to be nothing we can do about it."
"You think I'm enjoying this?" Harry asked. "I
don't want to pretend
to be your boyfriend either you know, and I have as little idea how
this came about as you do."
"Our future is so fucked up," Draco said,
wandering into the kitchen
and prodding the muggle appliances suspiciously. "Who the hell would
have guessed I'd be living with you?"
"I don't have to listen to this," Harry snapped,
storming out.
"You're not the only one for whom this is an intensely unpleasant
experience." He went back into the bedroom. There were clothes littered
messily over the floor and Harry winced to imagine what shameless acts
of passion had caused them to be hurled so haphazardly around. He took
a better look around the bedroom, which he had neglected to do so
earlier. It was a light, pleasant room, dominated by the large bed and
expensive-looking silk sheets that were crumpled across it. There were
two identical bedside tables with books, candles and wands piled over
them, long, white muslin curtains swinging at the window and a large
mirror hanging on one wall. It was all beautifully simple and stylish,
and had the indefinable air of a place that was lived in and well
loved. There were a couple of black and white muggle photographs on the
wall depicting various aspects of city life, and when Harry looked over
to the window he noticed a slender crystal vase with a dark red rose in
There were two built in wardrobes against one
wall and Harry flung
the left one open, judging which was his side from the side of the bed
he had woken up in. It was full of some of the most beautiful clothes
he had ever seen. There were casual t-shirts of every colour stacked up
against each other, faded jeans, classic jeans, and dirty jeans all by
Diesel, Armani or Ralph Lauren. There were also faultlessly tailored
suits, a selection of designer shirts and a silver tray full of
cufflinks, belts, necklaces and rings. On the other side of his
wardrobe hung an array of long, flowing wizarding robes. There were
fewer of these than muggle outfits, and Harry presumed that he worked
closer to the muggle quarter than the wizarding one. Still, there were
robes made of velvet, silk and linen, tied by delicate silver clasps
and sewn by the esteemed Wizard Tailors 'Burben and Snickford.'
Letting out a sigh of bliss, Harry set about
making himself even
more good looking. He felt quite spoilt for choice as he beheld the
vast number of clothes in his wardrobe, and didn't know quite what he
wanted to wear. Hermione's advice to wear 'something smart' stuck in
his mind, and he ended up pulling out a pale blue shirt and a pair of
loose fitting, elegant dark grey trousers. The colours complemented
each other perfectly and were light enough to effectively deepen
Harry's tan, making him look even more arresting. Moving over to his
bedside table, his fingers ran over a faded, brown leather cuff that
looked well worn. Harry slipped it onto his wrist and noticed a small
square of silver set into the leather itself. Engraved on that in a
flowing script was written, 'For Harry. To remember this moment.'
More than anything, Harry wished he could remember the moment that this
had been given to him to commemorate. It must have been something of
the utmost importance, and he felt again the longing to know more about
the years they had skipped. He saw, also on the beside table, a pair of
thick silver rings. Harry slipped them on his thumb and fourth finger
of his right hand. They fit perfectly. Beholding himself in front of
the mirror, Harry couldn't help but be pleased. He was glad that he had
grown into such a person, even if his eyes were still too bold and his
jaw too prominent. He could pass for handsome, even if he did say so
Dressed and as prepared as he would ever be,
Harry made his way back
into the living room, where Draco still sat on the sofa, staring
moodily into space. He was still wearing the clothes he had picked up
off the floor earlier that afternoon, but they, like everything else,
became him very well.
He looked up as Harry entered and Harry was
gratified to see a flicker of distinct admiration in Draco's eyes.
"Well Potter," he said, slightly breathlessly,
"let it never be said
that you don't scrub up well." Harry's heart pounded a little at the
compliment, and he couldn't stop his mouth quirking into a smile.
"You'd better get ready," he said at last,
feeling Draco's eyes
roving over him. "If your wardrobe is anything like mine, you're going
to be in sartorial paradise." There was an unmistakeable glint of
excitement in Draco's eyes and the blond grinned suddenly, and darted
out of his seat. A few seconds later Harry heard a triumphant whoop and
surmised that future Draco was as equally fashionable as he was.
Figuring it was going to be some time before
Draco returned from the
bedroom, Harry went nosing around the living room, taking a closer look
and idly picking up pictures and books. He found a couple more photos
of him and Draco, all similar, their arms around each other, either
kissing or smiling. There was an intriguing, squat little statue that
looked a bit like a house elf, and several plants clearly enchanted
with the gift of longevity.
On the second to bottom shelf, Harry discovered a
rack of muggle
CD's and a CD player. Rifling through them he was glad to find that his
taste in music hadn't differed much over the years. He still had
classic discs such as Nirvana and the Chili Peppers, but accompanying
those now were the Lost Prophets, Good Charlotte, Damien Rice and
someone called Audioslave. Picking the latter up curiously, Harry
inspected the front before taking the CD out and putting it in the
player. There were a few seconds silence before the music started and
he listened intently. This band was good. Harry sat down on the sofa
again to wait for Draco, and picked up a newspaper lying on the coffee
Ten minutes later he looked up and dropped the
newspaper in
surprise. Draco was ready and he looked breathtaking. Whereas Harry had
chosen light colours to draw out the richness of his tan, Draco had
done the opposite. He was clad in dark clothes that accentuated the
delicate blend of his pale skin and made him look utterly striking.
"What do you think?" he asked and struck a
ridiculous model pose.
Harry was lost for words for the briefest of moments. Draco was wearing
a pair of well-cut black trousers that hung off his hips as though he
had been born in them. He was also wearing a black roll neck that clung
to every muscle and sinew of his torso, giving a distinctly sylphlike
impression. There was a black and silver watch around his wrist and a
leather belt around his slim waist. He was holding a long, black
leather jacket slung over one arm and Harry could tell that it would
complete the picture to perfection.
He eyed Draco critically. "You'll do," he said
with a half smile,
and Draco glowered at him, but Harry could tell he was too elated to be
anything but good natured.
"That is an amazing set of clothes," he said,
picking an imaginary bit of lint off his sweater.
"I know," replied Harry, "our future selves have
"And money,"
"I wonder where we got it from," Harry mused. "Do
you think we have jobs?" Draco made a face.
"God, I hope not," he said. "Can you see me
"What were you planning to do with your life?"
Harry asked.
"I told you," Draco said nonchalantly, "marry a
blonde, Swedish
model, raise some lovely Malfoy heirs and live off my father's money
for the rest of my life."
"So hard work all the way then?" Harry said.
"Good, good." He
glanced up and noticed something in the corner. "What the hell is
that?" he asked. He walked over to a statue on a corner table. It was
carved out of what looked like soap stone, and looked like a distorted
figure of a human being.
"It's art, Potter," Draco drawled with his
trademark smirk firmly in
place. He looked more at home than Harry had seen him so far.
"That is not art," Harry said. "I bet you bought
Draco snickered. "Me? I'm the one with the taste!"
There was a knock on the door that caused a halt
to their bickering.
"Saved by the knock," Harry said, and made his
way along the
corridor. He opened the door, expecting Hermione but he was greeted by
the sight of a blonde girl, grinning at him in a rather vapid manner.
"Er-"Harry was suddenly thrown, his heart
starting to beat painfully
hard in his chest. "Can I help you with something?" he asked. He knew
at once that this was the wrong thing to say as the girl's face
darkened and she looked momentarily confused.
"Harry?" She waved her hand in front of his face.
"It's me!" She was
wearing a pink, floral dress with a white cardigan over the top. Her
hair was tied neatly behind her head and she was wearing an alarming
amount of blusher and coral lipstick.
"Oh..." Harry tried to feign realization, "hi." He had absolutely no
idea who the girl was.
"Well?" she said, obviously expecting something.
"Do you... d'you want to come in?" Harry asked,
hoping this would be
the right thing to say. It evidently was as she beamed at him and
strode through. The way she effortlessly navigated to the living room
convinced him that she had been there before and was someone from his
past that he should know.
He followed the girl inside and watched with some
amusement as Draco froze.
"Hello," he said neutrally.
"Draco!" The girl exclaimed. "How nice to see you
again!" She swamped Draco in a warm hug and the Slytherin mouthed 'help
me!' to Harry who was sniggering softly.
"Would you like a drink?" Harry asked.
"Oh no, I can't stay," The girl said, releasing
Draco, who looked
immensely relieved. "I just popped round to ask if you two are going to
Mrs Johnson's coffee morning next week." Draco blanched.
"Er..." he stammered.
"I'll just check the calendar," Harry said, and
quickly disappeared
into the kitchen. Scanning the calendar he couldn't see any sign of a
coffee morning planned,
"No, I don't think so," he said, "sorry."
"Oh. Never mind," the girl replied, apparently
making herself at home. "So," she said, "how was your holiday?"
"Great," Draco said smoothly, a host of lies
already at the tip of
his tongue. If there was one thing he was an expert at, it was deceit,
"really warm and sunny."
"It was?" she gave a little titter. "I thought
you went to Norway?"
Draco gaped at her and Harry was about to burst out laughing when
someone else knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!" he said at once, and hurried to
open the door. It was Hermione.
"Thank God," he said. "There's someone here and
we have no idea who
she is." Hermione let out an amused snort before moving into the living
"Hermione," the girl's grin visibly faded.
"Hello Kate," said Hermione haughtily. "I'm sorry
but I'm going to
have to steal these two gorgeous men away from you, we have dinner
plans." Kate looked a little affronted, and seemed to try to straighten
her posture in the face of Hermione's perfect etiquette and aura of
"Oh," she said, "I was just inviting them round
to Mrs Johnson's next week."
"How lovely," Hermione said insincerely, before
turning to Harry.
"We really should get going," she said. "We don't want to be late." Her
manner indicated clearly that the little tête-à-tête
between Kate and
Harry was over.
"I'll see myself out then, shall I?" Kate said.
"Yeah," Draco sounded too relieved to be strictly
polite, "nice
seeing you again." Hermione bid goodbye to her and the blonde girl made
her way to the front door. When she was gone and out of earshot Harry
sank down on the sofa next to Draco with a huge sigh.
"Oh Merlin," he said, "that could have been
nasty." Hermione looked like she was going to burst out laughing,
"Well done, I must say," she said. "I assume you
remarkably well considering she wasn't looking at you like a couple of
"Who was she?" Draco asked despairingly.
"She's called Kate McGee, and she lives with her
husband Terry in
the flat below you," Hermione explained. "Lovely couple, you've slept
with both of them." she grinned at Harry who choked and Draco burst out
laughing. "She's always inviting you guys to some insipid gathering. I
think she has a bit of a crush on you, Draco," Hermione went on. Harry
snorted and Draco looked quite appalled, and he ran his fingers through
his silver hair nervously.
"Great," he said, "she seems... nice."
"Never leave us like that again, Hermione!" Harry
exclaimed. "I felt like such a prat, not knowing who the hell she was."
"Sorry," Hermione apologised, "I should have been
more explicit
about your lives here. You guys are quite popular, I'm afraid. I think
it's the whole gay thing, you have every woman within a five mile
radius after you."
"Don't say stuff like that," Harry said, rubbing his eyes. "Do you have
to continually refer to us being gay?"
"You're just going to have to get used to the
idea," Hermione said.
"Face it, you two are in love," Draco interrupted to groan pitifully,
"and you had better act like it at dinner."
"Do we have to go?" Harry asked hopefully, even though a tiny part
of him was eager to see what his other friends looked like after eight
years. Most of him, including his rational self, was quaking with
"Yes," Hermione said briskly, "you do. It's been
a long time since
we were all together and the others will never forgive you otherwise."
"When you say act like it...?" Draco said warily.
"I mean act like you're a couple," said Hermione.
"You know, kissing
and holding hands and stuff. You, Draco, are infamous for trying to
grope Harry under the table without anyone noticing." Draco suddenly
flushed a brilliant red at Hermione's words and looked as though he
wished the earth would yawn and swallow him whole.
"For the love of Merlin, please don't do that
tonight," Harry said, sniggering, and Draco shot him a glare.
"You can hardly talk, Harry," Hermione said with
a twinkle in her
bright blue eyes. "I walked in on you giving Draco a blow job in a
changing room once." Now it was Harry's turn to blush and as Draco was
laughing at him, he sank his head into his hands, hiding the
colouration of his cheeks.
"Wonderful," he said sarcastically, "just
"We'd better go," Hermione said, looking at the
time. "It's only a
five minute walk from here. Do you like my outfit?" In all the
confusion, Harry hadn't paid any attention to what Hermione was
wearing. He noticed it now, though, and saw Draco looking at her with
equal admiration.
"You look great," he said honestly, and Hermione
beamed. She was
wearing a low cut top of black silk, with a diamond nestling in her
collarbone, and black trousers with heeled boots underneath. Her hair
was swept up atop her head and clasped there and she was wearing make
up that made her look perfectly flawless, and yet natural all the same.
She led them out of their flat, locking the door
with her wand.
"Do the people in this building know we're
wizards?" Harry asked.
"No," said Hermione quickly, "and they mustn't
find out.
Wizard-Muggle relations are at an all time low at the moment, and it's
just easier to let them think you are two relatively normal guys."
Harry had never seen the outside of the flat. He
and Draco were
standing in a small, white corridor where there was a lift in front of
him and some tinkling music originating from somewhere above their
"What's that?" asked Draco curiously, who had
never used a lift in his life.
"You'll see," said Hermione. "It's a muggle
contraption that saves people having to use the stairs."
"Really?" Draco looked excited. The lift clanked
into operation and
the stainless steel doors slid open smoothly. "Cool," he said.
Inside was a mirror, and Harry found himself
tidying up his hair and
perfecting his reflection with practised fingers. Draco was looking
curiously at the row of illuminated buttons. Hermione pressed the
lowest one, and he gave a start as the lift began to move downwards.
"What the hell?" he stuttered, grabbing Harry's
arm automatically to steady himself.
"You'll get used to it," Harry said, "they're
The lift took them to a light, airy hall with
full length glass
windows and intricately shaped plants sitting in pots by the doors.
Harry looked around with interest, this place was incredibly modern and
expensive-looking. Hermione's heels clacked on the parquet flooring and
the glass front doors slid open to reveal Manchester by evening. It was
quite busy, with people bustling through the streets, their arms laden
with shopping bags, taxis and cars battling to make it through the
afternoon rush, and large, attractive buildings soaring from the mass
of grey to perch in the sky.
The sun had streaked the clouds a dusky gold. It
was setting behind
the skyscrapers, forging giant silhouettes that towered over the people
and cast their long shadows over a thousand upturned faces. The city
was beautiful, and Harry could see why he would love it, he had never
felt more alive in his life. Draco, too, was looking around with
"I never pictured myself here," he said. "How
things must have changed."
"Now," Hermione said, "the others will already be at the restaurant
when we arrive. There are some further things you should know if you
don't want to make complete pricks out of yourselves." Harry and Draco
nodded, looking faintly anxious. "Ron has been ill recently, and spent
a few days at St. Mungo's. He's ok," she added quickly, "but don't get
confused if that topic arises. Seamus' father died last week so the
subject of family is a dangerous one, and Lavender is as big an air
head as when you knew her, Harry, so don't enter into any philosophical
"Why's Ron with her, then?" Harry asked, taking
advantage of
Hermione pausing for breath. She looked mildly disapproving of her
friend's choice, demonstrated by the derogatory way in which her lips
"He says she has hidden depths," she replied, as
though convinced
that was all bullshit. "Don't ask me where they're hiding exactly. I
never knew what he saw in her until I watched her eat an ice-cream
once...and then I realised exactly what it was Ron liked about her."
Hermione shuddered at what was obviously an enlightening memory.
"Anything else?" Draco asked.
"Oh yes. Sean knows all about the magical world
so don't feel like
you have to hide anything from him," Hermione said, her eyes sparkling
once more. "There's a lot of history, though, between Ginny and Seamus,
so if they sometimes snipe at each other, that's the reason. They were
together for about a year and had a bit of a messy break up."
Harry nodded. "I could always picture them
together," he said.
"Give me strength," Draco muttered.
"Don't forget," Hermione warned, "they all think
you're together.
Please make an effort, no matter how much it sickens you. Remember,
it's in your own interest to play along, the Death Eater factions would
love to get their hands on you both and neither of you can be too
careful about where you go. Your adult selves have had to learn to live
with the danger of being watched all the time but you won't be so
aware. So please, just compromise your dignity for tonight and then we
can get round to finding you a way of returning to your own time."
There was a noted silence as both Harry and Draco steeled themselves
for what was undoubtedly going to be a new and disgusting experience.
"Sure," Harry said unconvincingly.
"Whatever you say," Draco muttered, not looking
directly at either of them.
Within the space of a few short minutes that
seemed to last a
lifetime, they had crossed numerous roads, and followed the line of the
buildings until they came to a secluded park.
"This way," Hermione said, leading them around
the corner into a
cobbled square filled with old, impressive buildings. A fountain shot
glittering jets of water from a hole in the ground, lit from beneath by
a silver glow. The sign, 'Le Petit Blanc' was hanging, half-covered by
ivy, over the entrance to a chic-looking restaurant furnished entirely
in blue and silver.
"Nice," said Harry.
"Isn't it?" Hermione said, walking over to the
attendant. "Weasley
party," she said and he smiled at her, checking something in his
register. "You might want to...um..." she said, looking at them, "look
like a couple or something." She gave them an apologetic look.
Rolling his eyes and looking severely pained,
Draco slung one arm
casually around Harry's waist. The motion took him by surprise, and he
couldn't suppress a tingle of excitement at feeling Draco's arm around
him again. It had been a long time since someone had touched him like
that. Like a lover. Gritting his teeth, Harry moved one of his hands to
rest lightly at the small of Draco's back, wondering if his touch had
the same effect on Draco as the latter's had had on him.
"Perfect," Hermione said, surveying them
critically, and they
allowed the waiter to lead them over to their table. It was large and
round, and one of the more prominent tables in the room. Harry surmised
that they must have been one of their regular customers to be treated
with such importance. From the table, which was lit by the flickering
glow of three or four candles, several people turned and smiled at them.
Harry's heart was pounding heavily in his breast.
They were his
friends, and yet they looked so different, eight years had passed and
now they were all grown, all adults.
Harry suddenly felt very young.
His eyes roamed interestedly over the table's
occupants. There was a
man he didn't know sitting nearest them whom Harry supposed was Sean,
Hermione's husband. Next to him was sitting Ginny, beside her brother
who was waving at Harry jovially. Lavender Brown was next to him, and
on her left was Seamus. There were then three empty blue chairs waiting
for Harry, Draco and Hermione.
"Hi everyone," Harry said, unable to keep the
tremor of uncertainty out of his voice.
"Where have you guys been?" Ron asked, his voice
now a deep
baritone. "Not another lovers' tiff I hope?" He was well over six feet
tall now, Harry guessed, even though he was sitting down. His hair was
as violently red as ever, but longer, so that it stuck up from his head
like a shock of brilliant flame. His face had definitely changed, and
was now thinner, but still round and freckly, with the same wide grin
and button nose.
Harry and Draco exchanged looks at his words.
What were they supposed to say?
"Leave them alone, Ron, they just got here,"
Ginny swatted her brother on the arm.
"I love how you sound so hopeful when you ask if
we've been
fighting," Draco quipped, and they smiled appreciatively. Draco was
glad to see Ron's ears tingeing pink at his words. The pair sat down
and greeted the others, each inwardly marvelling at the changes which
eight years could wreak. They were all so different, Harry could
scarcely breathe, he was so overwhelmed.
"You guys are late," Seamus said, in an Irish
voice free of
accusation, and yet laced with a certain amusement that Harry knew he
had heard before. He studied the blond thoughtfully. Seamus had once
been full of a natural exuberance that had shone from his face and
infected all those around him. He looked as though he had gone to seed
slightly, his sandy hair crowning chubby cheeks and an innate sadness
that Harry couldn't help but perceive.
"Sorry," Hermione said, kissing Sean on the lips
and sitting down
next to him, "I had to fetch them, and Draco spent hours doing his
hair." she grinned at Draco who scowled back.
"Nothing's changed, then," Ginny said happily.
"We ordered you the usual." Harry hoped he liked whatever his 'usual'
"Great," he said, feeling a little disconcerted,
"What's wrong with my hair?" Draco said suddenly,
twisting a platinum lock around his fingers. Ginny laughed,
"Nothing, darling, that's the point," she said,
and took a sip of
white wine. Harry noticed two bottles on the table, and poured himself
a generous helping of red wine, feeling as though he was going to need
it before the night was out.
"Hey, check this out," Sean was saying, leaning
over Hermione and
showing something to Harry and Draco. Harry took it, and found that he
was holding a slim, silver mobile phone. He had never owned one
himself, the Dursleys feeling that most modern conveniences were too
good for him, and he looked at this one with fascination. The phones
from their time, what Harry had seen of them, were all large and
cumbersome, but this one was sleek and discreet. He supposed that
technology had come along in leaps and bounds. He showed it to Draco
who looked bewildered.
"He's so impressed by that," Lavender
said in a high-pitched, girlish voice.
"I know it may not look like much to you," Sean
said merrily, "but to muggles this is highly remarkable."
"Can I see it?" Lavender asked, and Harry handed
the phone across
the table to where Lavender was sitting. He looked, then, at Sean, who
was tracing light circles on the back of Hermione's hand and muttering
something in her ear. He was not an imposing man, from what Harry could
see, and his face was full of character rather than being strikingly
handsome. The smile he had witnessed a few moments ago had broken
across his features like the tide, warming Harry with a sense of the
man's liveliness. He seemed someone inclined to quiet reflection,
someone who would take the time to understand Hermione and love her for
who she was. He was older than her by at least eight years, but Harry
found himself liking Sean almost immediately, and heartily approved of
his relationship with his best friend.
"Harry?" a soft voice hissed into his ear, and
Harry turned to find
Draco's face pressed very close to his, so that their skin was brushing
with a faint contact. "What the hell is that?" he asked, completely
oblivious to all things muggle.
"It's a mobile phone," Harry answered, his breath
ghosting over the
side of Draco's face. "It's a device that muggles use to talk to each
other over long distances."
"Really?" Draco looked surprised, and not a little impressed. "Wow."
"You're so easily pleased," Harry commented,
taking a sip of wine, and pouring Draco a glass.
"I must be if I'm dating you," Draco replied good
"Touché," Harry grinned.
"What are you two whispering about?" Ginny asked,
her eyes narrowed playfully.
Ron looked up and saw them with their faces
pressed together.
Groaning, he said, "Oh please, no sweet nothings at the dinner table!"
"You can talk!" Hermione laughed. "You and Lavender hardly ever manage
to tear yourselves apart."
"Yeah, but..." Ron stammered, seemingly unable to
muster an argument.
"Come on, Ron," Sean said pleadingly, "lighten
up. Hey, look what
this can do." He held the phone up to show Harry, who was surprised to
see a moving image in the screen. Sean pressed 'capture' and a picture
of Hermione materialised before his eyes.
"Did you just take a picture with that?" he
asked, impressed.
"Yeah!" Sean's excitement was contagious. "It's
the latest model. Phones that you can take photographs with."
"That is cool," Harry said, unable to
smother his admiration. Hermione gave him a warm smile and a wink.
"Thanks," Sean said, before turning the phone to
face Harry and
Draco. "Come on then, a picture of you two to complete my
Hermione-filled gallery?" Harry looked at Draco, whose face remained
utterly impassive.
"Ok," he said.
"Get together," Sean motioned for them to move
closer together, "and
a big wet kiss if you please." Harry's heart jolted unpleasantly in his
chest. He cast a discreet, fearful look at Hermione who had suddenly
got a little paler, her grin fading.
Draco turned his head slightly, conveying a
silent dismay to Harry
who received his message loud and clear, if only by the sudden tensing
of the blond's shoulders. He couldn't. He didn't want to. This was
disgusting. And yet, if they didn't, the others would surely think
there was something amiss.
Draco moved back in his chair, seemingly resigned
to what was
promising to be a traumatic experience, and pulled Harry closer, his
body pressed against him, his breath feathering over his lip.
"Oh, spare us!" Ron said, but the others were all
smiling expectantly, and Sean was waiting to take the picture.
Time seemed to freeze.
Harry glanced helplessly at Draco's lips, which
were full and a soft
pink. For the second time he noticed that Draco had the comforting
smell of smoke about him, and a faint hint of coffee, as haughty and
arrogant as he was.
Draco's grey eyes dropped to rest on Harry's
mouth, and, without
knowing what he was doing, Harry slipped one hand to graze the side of
Draco's cheek, feeling the blond shiver lightly under his touch.
He moved his head closer, and then their lips
were brushing in the
softest, most perfect kiss he had ever known. The faces around them
blurred into the welcoming flicker of the candlelight, and the world
melted until it encompassed just the two of them, their lips moving
lightly over the each other's in an act of worship so intense that it
made Harry's breath quicken in his chest.
There was the sound of a picture being taken. And
it was over.
Pulling away at the same time, and far too soon in Harry's opinion, he
and Draco sat back, exchanging a lingering look that was lost on no-one.
Harry felt so euphoric and grounded at the same
time that he thought
he might explode. There was something fundamentally wrong about what he
had just done, and even though he knew that, and he knew he shouldn't
be kissing his enemy, it felt so right. He supposed it was the
influence that Draco had on this body. He certainly had enough
influence to send pulses of delight to parts of Harry's anatomy to
which he had no desire to draw attention. Silently cursing the
attraction of his future self to Draco, Harry shifted slightly in his
"Great picture," Sean was saying, and he lifted
up the phone to show
them. Harry and Draco looked as though they were in another world, so
absorbed in each other did they seem. He had never seen a picture where
he looked so raptly concentrated, or so removed from everything else
around him.
"Yeah," Harry said breathlessly. Draco was
silent, his face
displaying an abstracted, slightly troubled expression, and Harry could
guess exactly what he was feeling. The entire situation was inescapably
bizarre, and not one that Harry thought he would be in. Their company
around the table soon lapsed into another conversation, but both he and
Draco remained quiet, just mulling things over in their minds, paying
little attention to everyone else.
Before long the moustachioed waiter returned to
the table, laden with plates.
"Boeuf Bourguignon?" He asked, his voice a snooty
drawl. Ginny
raised her hand, and the waiter placed her plate down. "Two orders of
the salmon?"
Harry ended up with a plate of chicken fricassee,
which, to his
great relief, tasted delicious. Whilst he and Draco had been reluctant
to talk for fear of saying something amiss, there was employment for
all with the arrival of the food.
"I never get tired of the food here," Ron said
showing a little too much pleasure in his meal that was strictly
appropriate. "I love nouvelle cuisine."
"Nouvelle cuisine, roughly translated, just means
I can't believe I
spent eighty galleons and I'm still hungry," Draco said scathingly, and
everyone laughed.
As they were all eating and talking, Harry was
granted an
opportunity to study the dynamics of the group. Hermione had been
accurate when she predicted some tension between Ginny and Seamus, the
two apparently having a somewhat substantial history. Seamus, who
appeared naturally raucous, was growing more and pink cheeked with each
glass of Pauillac, and his jokes became increasingly tasteless and
politically incorrect. The other members of the group merely smiled
indulgently at Seamus' antics, but Ginny kept looking over at him
reproachfully, which only served to make him more determined to remain
the centre of attention.
Draco was looking at him with clear distaste, and
Harry had to nudge
his knee and remind him that his expression of disdain was unlikely to
go down well. Unfortunately, he could tell that Draco was growing
increasingly uncomfortable in the company of so many people that he had
hitherto despised. Nevertheless, he seemed to be getting on very well
with Hermione, and the two of them were laughing and talking as though
they had been friends for years. Some buried respect for her seemed to
have risen to Draco's mind, and quite a change was wrought over him.
Hermione and Sean appeared a well suited couple.
It was clear by the
starry glaze of his eyes that he was devoted to her, and under his
gentle encouragement, Hermione seemed to come even further out of her
shell, and truly blossom among their company. She was vibrant, witty
and a pleasure to be around. There was an element of co-dependency in
her relationship with Sean, which Harry couldn't fail to notice. She
would occasionally turn to him for silent support, or he would place
his hand on her arm, and instantly her spirits would revive again.
Harry could only imagine the imprint they would leave on the world, and
the laughter and joy they would leave in their wake.
The other couple at the table, Lavender and Ron,
were less suited
than they might have been. If Hermione hadn't professed the great
affection between them, Harry would not have guessed there were any
signs of peculiar regard. Lavender was certainly very pretty now, with
her long blonde hair and petite frame, but there was something weak
about her smile, and an degree of banality in her speech. However,
Harry found her easy enough to get along with, and trusted Ron's
romantic judgement implicitly. As further quantities of wine were
imbibed, Ron seemed to grow a little more sure of his role as
placing a possessive hand on Lavender's knee when she was talking to
Seamus, and whispering in her ear.
"You're being very quiet this evening," Ginny
commented, a concerned
glint in her clear eyes. It was true. Neither Harry nor Draco had said
much for fear of cocking up and saying something stupid. So far they
had managed fairly well, but Harry's insides clenched with nervousness
every time a question had been directed his way. Hermione had been a
lifesaver. Anticipating their uncertainty, she had answered many
questions for them, and led them into conversations which they felt
capable of holding their own. Discussion of current events was out of
the question, of course, but subjects like Quidditch tactics, for
example, were easy to converse over.
"Yeah, sorry," Harry said, rubbing his eyes. It
had been a very long day. "I'm just really tired."
"Draco keeping you up again?" Ginny asked and
Harry smiled
embarrassedly. Draco looked up at the sound of his name, and turned
faintly pink as he guessed the subject of their conversation. Ginny
smoothed down her emerald silk green top and fixed Harry with a worried
look. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" she asked quietly, aware
of Seamus' beady eyes upon them.
"Why do you ask that?" Harry asked, stiffening
"I don't know," Ginny replied, "you just
seem...distracted." Harry
nodded, not really knowing what to say to that. He was very distracted,
trying to follow the threads of every conversation at once, gleaning as
much as he could about their collective lives.
He was saved from answering by the arrival of the
waiter and their
desserts. Lavender was giggling like a schoolgirl as she and Ron fed
each other spoonfuls of sorbet, and a heavy sense of lethargy fell
across Harry's bones. It might have been the combined effect of so much
good food and wine, but he felt a little more relaxed, and at ease with
their predicament. Draco, who had just ordered an Irish coffee, was
sipping at it thoughtfully, his eyes smouldering against the candle
"How can you drink that?" Harry asked in
distaste, looking at the cup.
"I'll have you know that Irish coffee is the only
beverage to
contain all of the major food groups," Draco said with a wry smile,
"sugar, alcohol, caffeine and fat."
"How foolish of me," Harry held his hand
apologetically to his chest.
"I'm sure I'll regret this in the morning," Draco
said suddenly,
leaning close to Harry's ear, "but the Gryffindors have shaped up ok."
"I know," Harry said, "I never really pictured
them after Hogwarts. This wasn't really what I had in mind."
"I wonder what happened to put us here," Draco
mused, a rush of
colour tinting his cheeks from the wine. Harry was silent for a moment.
"We won't know until it happens for real," he
"If it happens for real," Draco replied. "If
we get
home." He suddenly looked very disconsolate, and much more like the
child Harry had known than he had looked all evening. A flash of
vulnerability crossed his face in a flicker and Harry couldn't help
sympathising with him. At least he knew these people. Draco had never
spoken to half of them in his life.
"We'll get home," Harry reassured him, playing
absent-mindedly with
a sugar sachet. "I think someone will notice something's wrong when our
past selves start kissing passionately in front of all our friends."
Draco grinned and let out a feeble moan.
"That's not going to be fun to go back to," he
said, "assuming our
future minds are actually in our past bodies and not just floating
around the astral plane." Harry threw down the sachet of sugar and
sighed, thinking hard. The flickering of the candlelight cast a
dancing, romantic air over the table, which was now much quieter than
it had been earlier. Hermione and Sean were absorbed in each other,
talking softly, their hands clasped under the table.
This was what Harry wanted. Someone he trusted
without reservation. Someone he loved and who loved him back.
"Do you think we're like this?" he asked before
he could stop himself.
"Like what?" Draco asked. "Like them?" He
motioned to where Ron and
Lavender were talking to each other in contrived, simpering voices.
"Not a chance," he said. "I'm really not the mushy type." He fiddled
with something in his pocket, before withdrawing his hand clasped
around a packet of cigarettes. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "Thank Hecate not
everything changes." He promptly lit up, taking a long drag, and
filling his lungs with smoke. He rested his hand back on the table,
where it was next to Harry's, touching it, and setting off a trail of
fire along where their skin brushed. Harry saw Draco looking at their
hands pensively, and something deep within him was dying to know what
he was thinking.
"So whose house are we going back to, then?"
Ginny asked from across the table, snapping everyone out of their
"We let you bastards trash our place last time,"
Hermione grumbled, "so count our place out."
"I think we'd better call it a night," Harry
said, wanting to escape
the possibility of making a prat out of himself. There was a rousing
chorus from everyone else.
"You can't!" Ron exclaimed vehemently. "It's
tradition, man."
"Yeah," said Sean, "don't think you can get out
of having us all round, you know. I do think that it might be your
"What?" Draco asked, a look of consternation on
his face,
"Yeah," Seamus said in his Irish accent, "it's
most definitely your turn to have us back for drinks."
"That's settled then," Lavender said. "Shall we
get the bill?"