Chapter 11: Through Glassy Eyes
Every normal man must be
tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and begin
slitting throats - H.L.Mencken
Dying is a very dull and dreary
affair, and my advice to you is to have nothing to do with it -
Somerset Maugham
The pub became a mad scramble of activity as
people tried to rush
for the door. The Death Eaters didn't let them, however, and shot many
people back towards the bar, magically locking the door, trapping
everyone inside. The witches were screaming hysterically, the
leprechauns were hiding under a table and the old men and women were
huddling together as far away from the Death Eaters as possible, their
eyes wide and frightened. The Death Eaters did not move to eliminate
them, though. When they raised their wands at the 'hostages' it was to
cast invisible magical bonds around them to prevent them from moving or
helping. This was an act of revenge so complete that the glory of it
was the ultimate aim. They needed witnesses.
They needn't have worried, though, the Death
Eaters had eyes for
only two people, both of whom were frozen to the spot in abject terror,
unable to move.
"Shit!" Harry exclaimed, and both he and Draco
dived to the floor as
the first curses hurtled towards them, incinerating the table and
"What's going on?" Draco cried as Harry dragged
him to his feet and
they both pulled out their wands. The Death Eaters lowered their hoods,
and the sallow faces of Macnair, Avery and Lestrange stared at the two
"This was what I was going to tell you," Harry
said, looking at the silent Death Eaters, "we're in a bit of trouble."
"Who are you?" the barman asked fearfully. "What
do you want?"
"We have come for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy,"
Bellatrix Lestrange said, her eyes glinting evilly in the firelight.
"Harry Potter?!" one of the witches shrieked,
"Draco Malfoy? Here?"
"They stand before us," Bellatrix said in a voice
that would have
cut steel. "But not for long." The muttering around them intensified
until it resembled the buzzing of angry bees.
"Auntie Bella," Draco said, almost
conversationally, "you're looking more unpleasant than usual."
"Quiet, traitor!" Bellatrix snapped, raising her
wand until it
pointed at Draco's throat. "I always said that you would be a thorn in
your father's side, and I was right. My poor Narcissa thought she could
make a real man out of you, but you were always going to be your
family's ruin."
"I take it you don't like me much any more,"
Draco pointed out coolly.
"To betray the name of Malfoy was bad enough,"
Bellatrix went on,
"but to consort with Potter of all people. You can sink no lower."
"As opposed to you," Draco snapped, "who can take
the moral high ground even when about to kill your own nephew."
"Lestrange," Harry hissed, "you bitch. Do you
really think you can
fight us with any hope?" Even in the horrible tenseness of the moment
he was glad that his voice did not quaver.
"You are the reason our master is weak and lost,"
Macnair said
through cracked lips, "you are his bane. He will reward us greatly for
killing you." Harry sensed what Draco was about to do.
"Avada Kedavra!" Draco yelled and a flash of
green light shot from
his wand towards Bellatrix. Several people screamed but she was too
quick for him and shouted,
"Protego!" The spell reflected back to Draco who
ducked just in time
to feel it graze overhead, narrowly missing Harry who had had to throw
himself bodily out of the way.
"Stupefy!" Harry yelled, but his beam of red
light deflected off
Avery's protection charm. He was suddenly thrown into the wooden beams,
his head snapping back and all breath snatched from his body. Macnair
had shot a spell at him that had flung Harry into the wall, winded him
and caused his arm to crack against the timber. He cried out in pain
and sank, crumpled to the floor.
"Harry!" Draco yelled, but he couldn't go over to
him because Bellatrix was advancing, her wand held high.
"Praecipito!" she shouted, and a brilliant jet of
blue and silver
echoed from her wand, catching Draco full in the chest. He felt as
though he had been hit by a sledgehammer as the wind was knocked from
him and he was flung unsteadily from his feet. Luckily he landed on the
debris of one of the booths and was cushioned by the tattered remains
of what had been a seat. Bellatrix was laughing poisonously at him, as
Draco coughed, and drawing ever closer, enjoying this purgatory of
There were so many thoughts running through
Draco's head. Most pressing of these was: oh shit, I'm going to die,
but one sneaked glance over at Harry, who was standing firm despite the
unpleasant angle of his arm, gave Draco a strength he didn't know he
"Is that all you've got?" he spat, struggling
valiantly to his feet
and picking up his wand. Bellatrix's face suddenly contorted with rage
and she sprang at him like a lioness.
"Tell my sister I sent you to her." she cried,
and the killing curse began to form on her lips.
"Expelliarmus!" Draco yelled desperately, and his
hex's aim was
accurate as it hit Bellatrix forcefully in the chest, knocking her off
her feet and sending her wand flying into the air. Draco didn't wait
for her to get up before he had leapt over the tables, grabbed a large
shard of glass from a broken bottle and pinned his aunt to the ground
as she flailed madly beneath him, fingers groping redundantly for her
wand, which was out of reach.
"Tell her yourself," he said as he shoved the
glass into Bellatrix's
neck, severing her jugular vein and delivering the perfect coup de
grace that Sirius had been unable to. Warm, red blood streamed from the
wound to her neck and Bellatrix coughed and spluttered, her words
coming out garbled as red liquid began to trickle from the corners of
her mouth. She groped uselessly for her wand and soon began to lose
consciousness as the blood drained from her body.
Draco sprang up at once, horrified with himself
for what he had just done. His family's blood, his
blood, was staining his clothes and his skin, scalding him like burning
oil as the eyes of Bellatrix Lestrange visibly dulled in their sockets.
Death was claiming her, as cold and unforgiving as that she had dealt
to hundreds of muggles. There were women screaming and crying, the
blood was spilling out onto the floor in a malevolent red pool,
staining everything it touched. Everything seemed to be moving in slow
motion, and Draco's heart was pounding as he looked around in fear.
Harry was being advanced upon by both Macnair and
Avery. He was
cradling his broken arm to his chest but he held his wand high and
shouted spell after to delay them, each one glancing off their
shielding spells. Harry's senses were dulled from pain, he wasn't quick
enough. Draco sprang over to help him, but Harry suddenly yelled,
"Serpensortia!" A gigantic, black snake writhed
out of the tip of
Harry's wand and raised itself up, hissing viciously. Draco stopped in
his tracks. The snake was far bigger than normal snakes were, and
towered over Rookwood and Macnair who both regarded it warily. Harry,
though, had a twisted smile on his face, and began to speak in a series
of hisses and spitting noises that Draco recognised immediately as
The language sounded incredibly sexy when issuing
from Harry's lips,
and if it hadn't been for the seriousness of their situation, Draco
would have been a little turned on. As it was, he could only watch in
fascination as the snake seemed to obey Harry's command and moved
towards the two Death Eaters, swaying and hissing. Without any warning,
it bared its pointed fangs and struck once, twice, three times into
Macnair's abdomen, spilling forth crimson blood and making the Death
Eater scream in pain and terror. The snake attacked him so viciously
that Draco was sickened to watch it and actually retched as he heard
bone crunching and flesh being ripped from the man's body.
Harry was watching all this without flinching.
Rookwood, temporarily
frozen with terror, regained something of his strength and sent another
spell towards Harry. Harry couldn't duck this one, and was shot to the
floor again, landing on his wounded arm, his head colliding so heavily
with the wall that when he landed, he did not get up again.
The snake vanished at once, and Macnair's
lifeless body fell to the floor.
Cold, painful horror began to permeate Draco's
consciousness as he
looked at Harry lying there amongst the rubble, unmoving. He could not
lose him, he couldn't. A blind rage seemed to overtake Draco as his
legs carried him forwards as if on castors and he flung himself at
Rookwood's back, sending the man toppling to the ground and away from
Harry. Rookwood was much bigger and stronger than he was, though, and
soon managed to flip Draco over and pin him against the wall, his wand
pointing at his heart.
"You're dead, Malfoy," Rookwood spat, tearing
Draco's wand from his hand and breaking it, "you're dead!"
"Kill me, then," Draco said, "if that's what you
came here to do.
Avenge my mother and make my father proud. They fucked up royally to
end up where they are, and living proof of Voldemort's infinite glory.
Dead and imprisoned." he gasped as Rookwood backhanded him painfully
across the face and he spat blood onto the floor from where he had
bitten his lip.
"One more word and I will cut out your tongue,"
Rookwood said
maliciously, his eyes glinting and his teeth bared. "Take your last
breath, son of Lucius." Draco knew full well that he was going to die
then. He would see that flash of green light and then life would be
snatched from his body. He knew this, but now he was unafraid.
But the flash that followed was a brilliant,
blinding white that
filled the room and blasted a hole through on of the walls. Six figures
were framed in the light, casting slim silhouettes that appeared blurry
to Draco's tired eyes.
"Stupefy!" a voice cried and Rookwood slumped
over Draco, stunned.
Draco scrambled to his feet and looked around. Remus, Hermione, Ron,
Seamus and the twins were standing there, wands held high, faces
bearing worried expressions.
"Draco!" Hermione ran towards him and gave him a
hug. "You're all right!"
"Yeah," Draco said breathlessly, before darting
over to where Harry
lay. "Oh God, Hermione, he's not breathing." A dreadful panic was
filling Draco as he watched Harry lying there, crumpled into a heap,
arm lying at a grotesque angle, blood trickling from a cut above his
"Stand back," Remus said, bending over Harry.
"Where are the other Death Eaters?" George asked
seriously and Draco
pointed one shaking finger to the horribly disfigured bodies of Macnair
and Bellatrix, both of whom were covered in copious amounts of blood.
"Oh disgusting," Seamus said, bending over them.
"Is this your
handiwork?" He extracted the piece of glass from Bellatrix's neck and
Draco nodded numbly. "Nice one," he said. "I haven't seen a case like
this in a while." Ron's strong arms were stopping Draco from running to
Harry's side and he wasn't able to see what Remus and Hermione was
doing over the redhead's tall shoulder.
"Just wait a minute," Ron said gently. "They know
what they're doing."
"How did you know we were here?" Draco asked, his
voice sounding raspy.
"Harry left us a note at Grimmauld Place," Ron
explained. "And we
Apparated here at once." Draco nodded again, taking nothing in. He had
suddenly begun to shake very hard and Ron was looking at him anxiously.
"Are you ok?" he asked, looking at the blood
Draco was covered in, "Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No," Draco said, "this is Bella's blood."
"You killed her with a piece of glass?" Ron
asked. "Did she disarm you?"
Draco couldn't answer. He knew that any attempt
he made at Avada
Kedavra would not be strong enough to kill anyone. It would probably
knock them out for a few hours but that would be it. Draco had needed
to kill and the brutal method he had employed had seemed the most
effective at the time.
Fred was moving among the frightened huddle of
witches and wizards,
healing the minor cuts and bruises that the Death Eaters had dealt out
and making sure that no-one was seriously hurt.
"I shall be going straight to the press!" the
barman was exclaiming in a pompous voice. "Such goings on! In my bar!"
"You're lucky to be alive," Fred said shortly.
"If they hadn't been
after Potter or Malfoy you would most certainly be dead right now."
"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy," the barman said
breathlessly, "in my bar, why, I never recognised them!"
"But you won't remember any of this, I'm afraid,"
Fred said coldly,
holding up his wand, "Obliviate!" A look of peaceful dreaminess
diffused across the man's face and Draco recognized it at once as being
the effects of someone whose memory has been wiped. Fred then proceeded
to go among the rest of the customers, modifying their memories, whilst
George came up with an elaborate lie to explain the wreckage and dead
"Muggles," Draco heard him tutting. "These two
watched too many
horror films and attacked you all. Thank God we got here in time."
"Who are you?" The barmaid asked, confusedly.
"Magical Law Enforcement Squad," George replied
effortlessly. "We're
trained professionals, madam." He flashed his library card with a look
of such supreme confidence that the barmaid nodded hastily, biting her
"He's waking up!" Draco heard Remus say and
managed to struggle out
of Ron's arms and dart to Harry's side. Remus and Hermione had magicked
his arm into a sling and healed the bones in it before reviving Harry
and closing some of his bloodier cuts. Harry's eyes lids were
flickering open, and Draco pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
"Wake up, you son of a bitch," he said hoarsely,
and could have sworn that he saw Harry smile.
"He'll be fine," Remus said, as Harry opened his
"Draco?" he croaked.
"I'm here," Draco stroked his hair, and kissed
him again.
"Are you ok?" Harry tried to sit up, and Draco
helped him.
"Yeah," he replied, "Now will you think about
yourself for once?"
"Thank God you're all right," Hermione said in
relief, but her face was very white.
"That was close," Draco muttered.
"I think we ought to get you all home," Remus
said gently. "Come
on." He lifted Harry as easily as if he was carrying a child and took
him over towards the fireplace. Hermione helped Draco to follow and the
rest of the Order brought up the rear. One by one they stepped into the
flames and flooed back to Harry and Draco's flat, leaving the twins to
clear up the debris.
Back at the flat, Remus laid Harry gently on the
sofa and Draco
washed the blood off his hands before sitting with him and conjuring a
large glass of scotch.
"What happened?" Remus asked and Draco began to
talk. He told them
everything that had happened from the moment Harry had entered the bar
to when the others had arrived, omitting nothing, his voice soon
becoming hoarse and croaky.
"You say you still had your wand when you were
leaning over
Bellatrix?" Remus looked slightly confused. "Why didn't you Avada
Kedavra her? Why reach for the glass?" Draco looked at his hands,
before up at Hermione who was biting her lip, before down at Harry who
nodded at him.
"Tell them," he said quietly.
"Tell us what?" Ron asked from where he sat.
For the second time that afternoon, Draco
constructed an
explanation, prompted by Hermione and Harry who filled in the bits he
had forgotten. Ron spluttered indignantly on several occasions but
Remus was silent until they had finished, his face grave.
"You say you have been here, in these bodies, for
all this time?" he asked.
"Yes," Draco said, "it's been a nightmare."
"And you didn't say anything?"
"Hermione thought it was best," Draco glanced at
her nervously.
"I did," she said. "I thought I would be able to
find an antidote
without the need to tell anyone else." She went on, "Unfortunately, it
doesn't seem as though one exists."
"You drank a Pertho Draught?" Remus asked and
Harry and Draco
nodded. "I've heard of it," he said sombrely, "and I think I might know
where to find a reversal spell."
"Oh wonderful," Harry sighed, "at last."
"You should have told me," Remus chided Hermione,
"And me!" Ron exclaimed. "You're telling me that
you are the seventeen year old versions of yourselves?"
"Yeah," Harry said, "the last thing I remember
about you is that you were dating Padma Patil."
"Oh yeah," Ron's eyes misted over as he recalled
the time Harry was speaking of, "now she was hot." Hermione swatted him,
"You are engaged," she reminded.
"A man can dream, can't he?" Ron grinned.
"I don't understand," Seamus said. "You've been
pretending all along? We never even noticed."
"I thought you were acting a bit strange," Ron
admitted, "especially
when we were reminiscing about all the ex-Slytherins." He directed this
at Draco.
"In my time, we're still friends," Draco said
sadly, "so everything you said came as a bit of a shock."
"I have to say I think it's dangerous that you
should go back knowing so much about your future," Remus looked
"Dangerous it may be," Harry sighed, "but now we
have seen the
future we might be able to change it slightly." he looked up at Draco
who comprehended exactly what he was talking about. "We may be able to
do some good. Save some lives."
"Maybe," said Remus, "I hope so."
"But you two are acting like you're in love and
everything," Ron
pointed out, "I thought you still hated each other in sixth year."
"We did," Harry said, "but I think that being
forced together for so
long might have speeded things along a bit." He sat up, rubbing his
head and Draco pulled him into his arms.
"This is bizarre, man," Ron said, shaking his
head. "I thought you
were acting weird but I couldn't out my finger on why. Now it all makes
"I'm getting a headache," Seamus declared. "So
when you were fighting those Death Eaters..."
"We didn't have a clue what we were doing," Draco
supplied, "so we're very, very lucky to be alive now."
"Oh Merlin," Hermione rested her head in her
hands, "this is such a mess."
"There is a book which catalogues all the
different varieties and
antidotes to potions such as the Pertho Draught," Remus said, "which
Hermione probably has in her impressive library."
"We've looked," Harry said, "but we couldn't find
"Ah, you wouldn't," Remus said, a twinkle in his
eye, "it wouldn't be the kind of book you'd look in."
"We'll go tomorrow and find it," Hermione said,
"if you'll come and help, Remus."
"Of course I will."
"But now you have to rest." A motherly expression
had flitted across
her face and she fixed them with a steely look. "I will brook no
contradiction," she said, "I want you in bed, now."
"Ja, mein Fuehrer," Harry said, as Draco hauled
him to his feet and
slung his arm around his waist, supporting him as they walked. He had
to admit, that after the exhausting afternoon they had had, he wanted
nothing more than to curl up in Draco's arms and sleep for an eternity.
The bedroom was dark, even though it was still
the afternoon, and
the sounds of the traffic outside the windows seemed oddly dulled.
Gingerly unwrapping his sling, Harry massaged his aching arm and winced
as he found it extremely tender. Draco ran one hand over the abused
limb, tracing a delicate line across Harry's shoulder blades and round
the back of his neck, drawing him close enough to kiss deeply.
"Distraction tactic?" Harry asked, grinning.
"It worked, didn't it?" Draco asked, pulling his
shirt over his head
and quickly divesting Harry of his, trying not to further hurt his arm
in the process. They kissed again, a tingling sensation running the
length of their naked chests as they met, their arms wrapping round
each other.
"Hermione will be in in a minute," Harry warned,
feeling an erection
threaten and knowing that they would be unable to do anything about it.
Draco looked faintly disappointed. He kissed Harry again, pushing him
slowly backwards onto the bed and sliding across him so that they lay
side by side.
"Get some sleep," Draco said. "You look
exhausted." And he nestled
closer to Harry, burying his face in the tangled mass of glossy, black
hair. Harry breathed Draco deeply, relishing every moment of his
company and his closeness.
"Night, Draco," he said, and closed his eyes.
"Good morning." A soft voice issuing from
rose-red lips brought
Harry into wakefulness the next morning. He found himself curled in the
same position he had woken in when they had arrived in the future, with
Draco's face pressed close to his own. "How are you feeling?" Draco
asked him, and Harry rubbed his eyes blearily until the gash of blond
came into sharper focus. He soon became aware of a painful twinge in
his arm and he moved it, grimacing.
"Sore," he said,
"That's to be expected," Draco frowned, "let me
look." With an
uncharacteristic gentleness he took Harry's arm into his hands and
began examining it. There would be a fair amount of bruising if the
bluish-grey contusions were anything to go by, but no major damage
done. Harry watched Draco's absorption, his eyes never leaving his face.
"I didn't think we were going to make it out of
there," he said thickly. "I really didn't."
Draco looked at the pillow without seeing it. "I
know what you mean," he said, his voice quiet, "but we were very lucky."
"Did I black out?" Harry asked, having only the
recollections of everything that had happened since the snake had
exploded from the end of his wand. He remembered being hurled into the
wall and breaking his arm. He remembered the blinding pain as he dodged
curse after curse, and he remembered faintly speaking Parseltongue and
watching a giant cobra rip a man's heart out. Harry suddenly felt
somewhat nauseous.
"Yeah, Remus revived you. I thought for a
moment," Draco broke off,
unable to continue, "I thought... you might be..." He couldn't finish.
"Dead?" Harry prompted.
"That scared me more than anything in the world,"
Draco said, his
voice as sincere as Harry had ever known it, and eyes moving to rest on
Harry's face, filled with a grey anxiety that Harry had never noticed
before. "Never do that to me again," he breathed.
"Near death experiences come as a hazard of being
Boy-Who-Lived," Harry smiled inwardly. "You get used to them," he said,
shrugging, and wishing that it didn't have to be so. How many people
had survived five plots to kill them by their sixteenth birthday?
"I don't want to lose you," Draco said suddenly,
surprising even himself with the declaration.
"You won't," Harry murmured, pulling Draco onto
his lips and
slipping one hand down beneath the covers. The look that suddenly
crossed Draco's face was glorious, and, positioning himself above Harry
so as not to hurt his arm, he swooped down on him until they were as
one person. Touching their way to completion, Harry soon forgot where
he ended and Draco began, and for one, fleeting moment, he lost himself
in the taste of someone else.
"Hermione will be here soon," Harry muttered
after they had slumped back on the bed again half an hour later.
"Did she ring our fellytone?" Draco asked, his
eyes closed and his lips swollen.
"Yes," Harry trailed one finger across the slim,
red line of Draco's
mouth, smiling. "Remus found the book he was talking about." Draco
opened his eyes but there was a shadow of discontent flickering through
his eyes. "What's wrong?" Harry asked, and Draco sighed.
"I guess this is it, isn't it?" he said, looking
around at the
opulent room they had been occupying for so long, and had come to think
of as their home. "Our last day in the future-present, whatever the
hell we're meant to call this."
"I guess so," Harry replied, also looking around.
This place was now
familiar to them, and a part of him didn't want to leave. "And we
thought we'd only be spending about half an hour here."
"Do you think we'll be able to take something
back?" Draco asked.
"I don't know," Harry yawned, "why?" In answer,
Draco leaned over to
his bedside cabinet and withdrew from a drawer, a wizarding photograph.
It was in black and white and was of them lying on a beach somewhere,
Draco stretched out on top of Harry as a monochrome sunset streaked the
sky behind them. Sitting in the background was Hermione, Sean and Ron,
all waving at the camera. Harry and Draco's pictorial selves were
smiling at each other, and occasionally leaned in for a rough kiss.
"I found this," Draco said, looking at it fondly,
"and I loved it."
Harry could see why. The camera had captured every detail with perfect
clarity and there was something ultimately comfortable about the way in
which the men were positioned together that spoke a lot about the way
they were as a couple.
"What would you do with it?" Harry asked, looking
at the picture.
"I don't know," Draco shrugged, "just a souvenir
of a very memorable trip."
"You can say that again," Harry smiled.
"I wonder what our friends will say when they see
this," Draco said,
watching his photographic self calmly pour sand into Harry's hair.
"You think we should show them?" Harry's brow
"You don't?"
"No, I was just wondering what you thought about
that," his emphasis
on the last word of the sentence made Draco look up and narrow his eyes.
"What?" he asked. Harry flushed slightly, and
didn't quite meet
Draco's eyes, the way he always looked when he was getting
"Whether we should remain... you know...
boyfriends, when we get back," he mumbled, and Draco had to strain to
catch every word.
"Don't you want to?" he asked.
"Of course I do!" Harry exclaimed. "Things will
be different, that's
all. Harder." He had been worrying about this for a while. How was he
supposed to explain to Ron what he felt for Draco? Everything had
happened so fast that he could hardly fathom it himself, let alone
expect his friends to, when they hadn't even witnessed any of this.
"Why?" Draco asked.
"Well everyone accepts us here," Harry said,
throwing up his hands.
"I think it'll cause quite a stir back in 1996 if we suddenly start
sleeping together."
Draco paused for a moment in silent
contemplation. "At least life will be interesting," he sighed.
They didn't have much time to think over this
problem before they
heard the familiar 'whooshing' sound coming from the living room that
meant that someone had just flooed over to the apartment.
"Harry?" Hermione's voice echoed through the
walls. "Draco? We're
here!" She called, and Harry's heart immediately began to pound.
"It's Hermione and Remus!" he exclaimed excitedly.
"Hang on a sec!" Draco yelled as they rolled off
the bed and began
foraging around the floor for clothes. As soon as they were suitably
covered, they raced next door where they found Hermione and Remus
holding up an enormous leather-bound book.
"We found it!" Hermione said, her eyes sparkling.
"Where was it?" Harry asked, looking at the book
which was threatening to crumble into dust at any moment.
"I knew that records of the Pertho Draught had
been documented since
the 1500's," Remus explained, clearing his throat with what sounded
like a painful cough. "so you just had to look in here," he pointed to
the title of the book, 'A Fulle Lyste of Potion Developmentes in
this, the sixteenth century' by Heinard Goblintoe, "to find what
you needed."
"I never thought of that," Harry admitted,
wondering why the idea of scanning historical references had slipped
his mind.
"Is there a counter spell?" Draco asked, taking
care not to damage any of the cracked pages in the book.
"Yes," Hermione said, slapping his hand away,
"and an explanation as to why yours went wrong."
"We know," Harry sighed, recalling that
disastrous moment when the
rose petals vanished beneath the surface of their potion. "we added the
wrong colour rose petals."
"Yes, but you should have returned once the time limit ran out,"
Hermione said, frowning. "I think the potion kept working because you
added too much of the active ingredients."
"Impossible," Draco snapped at once, not
suffering anyone to contest his potion-making ability.
"Don't slight Draco's potion making skills,"
Harry warned, with an amused look at Draco. "He's likely to hex you."
"The method you were working from must have been
incorrect," Hermione said simply, "or you were imprecise. One of the
"I am never imprecise," Draco said, a dark look
crossing his handsome face.
"But the book was covered in potion smudges,"
Harry reminded him,
thinking back to the lesson. "You probably read the quantities wrong."
Draco nodded, and Harry could tell that he was remembering too.
"Blame Goyle, he dropped my book in his cauldron
the week before that lesson," he sighed, and sat down.
"It doesn't matter, though," Remus said softly,
"as long as we can get you back safely."
"And this will work, will it?" Draco said,
looking slightly worried.
"No offence, Hermione, but your last attempt was pretty rough," he went
on, apologetically.
"Last attempt?" Remus fixed Hermione with a
searching gaze which made her appear suitably abashed.
"I thought that with the correct adaptation, a
perspective switching
spell might work," she said, not looking directly at the werewolf.
"Unfortunately, it didn't.
"Good idea, though," Remus conceded.
"So what will happen with this spell?" Harry
"You will need to be put to sleep," Hermione
said, suddenly
businesslike. "Remus and I will say the incantations over your bodies
and when you wake up, with any luck you will be in your own time."
"Sounds great, let's do it," Harry's heart was
soaring. Here was the
answer to their prayers. They had waited so long for this moment.
"Hang on, I'll need to make a sleeping potion for
you," Hermione said, vanishing into the kitchen.
"I can't believe that we're finally going back!"
Draco exclaimed,
seemingly unable to sit still. It was at times like these, when the joy
and glamour of youth shone through his tired eyes and his platinum hair
was swept carelessly back from his face, that Harry saw in him again
the teenager that he had effectively grown up with. He spent a long
time just looking at Draco and drinking in every ounce of beauty.
"I know," he said, smiling slightly, "it seems
like so long."
"It is, we've been here over a month."
"Really?" Draco glanced over at the calendar.
"Bloody hell," he muttered under his breath.
"Think how much we've missed," Harry groaned,
thinking of all the make-up work they would have to complete.
"Think how much we've seen," Draco reminded him.
"I know," Harry was sure that they would come out
of this much older
and wiser. "I'll never read Oscar Wilde with the same eyes."
"I'm glad I've managed to educate you," Draco
"It seems weird, though."
"I know what you mean," Draco looked down at his
hands, "I kinda like it here, it's become more comfortable."
"Out of necessity." Harry licked his lips. "We've
just had to live with it."
"Do you think things will change?" Draco asked
him, a hint of worry tinting his deep voice. "You know, when we get
"I think we'll be able to change some of the
worst parts," Harry
said hopefully. "We might be able to change the future for the better."
"I wouldn't count on that," Remus interjected
gently. He had been
silent, listening to Harry and Draco talk, but now he leaned forward,
the sunlight illuminating his grizzled face and making him look older
than ever.
"Why not?" Draco asked indignantly.
"I'm not sure quite how much of this you'll
remember," Remus said.
"The description of the spell is a bit sketchy on that point."
"We'll remember that we are together, though,
won't we?" Harry asked, feeling very anxious.
"I can't go back to us hating each other," Draco
"Me neither."
"Oh you'll definitely remember something so
fundamental as that,"
Remus assured them. "What I mean is, you won't remember many of the
details. This will all seem like a slightly blurry dream."
"So we'll remember that we have feelings for each
other?" Harry relaxed a bit as Remus nodded.
"Yes, you should do," he said.
"I hope so."
"It might be a good thing that you don't remember
everything," Remus
said in the sage way that had always defined his manner of speaking.
"that way you can't wreak any drastic changes."
Harry paused to think about the consequences
their memory could have
on their future lives when he noticed Draco get up and reach for the
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"Trying to memorize what IBM is selling at in
this time," Draco
said, flipping over the page and scanning the stock market reports.
"Do you ever think about anything but money?"
Harry grinned.
"Occasionally," Draco said seriously. "I try not
to make a habit of it."
"So, providing you still have hazy memories of
your life in the
future, what do you think you'll try to change?" Remus asked curiously.
"My obsession with Death Eaters," Harry's face
suddenly darkened visibly. "It took over my life."
"It did," Remus agreed. "That's the reason you
stopped being an
Auror. Your life was in danger and you had nothing else to live for. It
was the only thing you had left, in the end it was unhealthy."
"I'm going to pay a visit to my mother," Draco
said, dropping the
paper, "and try to talk some sense into her. God knows, someone has to."
"It'll be ok," Harry said softly.
"I know," Draco sighed, "I know."
"Potion will be ready in five minutes," Hermione
called from the
kitchen. Harry looked round the door to see her simmering a tiny
cauldron over their oven grill.
"That was quick," he said approvingly.
"Simple textbook draught," Hermione said airily,
"nothing special, you only need to be asleep for a couple of minutes."
"Great," Harry said, feeling the first clutches
of nervousness swim around his stomach.
"Don't worry," Hermione soothed, "everything will
be fine." Harry
wished to God that he could believe her. It wasn't so much that he
doubted Hermione's potion making skills rather than he knew just how
much scope there was for error in any magical undertakings, especially
of this magnitude and importance. He
had little
doubt that the potion Hermione intended to brew was going to be highly
complicated and therefore carry with it a greater risk factor than
anything Harry would feel comfortable drinking. He also had the
harrowing memories of the last time Hermione had been so sure of her
own skill and they had ended up writhing around on the floor in the
kind of acute agony that Harry had only felt with the use of the
Cruciatus Curse.
He immediately dismissed these traitorous
thoughts, as he caught a
glimpse of Hermione in the kitchen, doing her best to help them. He
knew that both he and Draco had been next to useless in devising ways
to send them home and he was infinitely grateful to Hermione for her
help and continued support. Without her it was very likely that they
would have become hermits and spent their days living off pineapples
and Tabasco sauce.
Glancing over at Draco, though, Harry saw the
same nervousness
mirrored in his usually impassive face, and knew that he wasn't being
unreasonable to distrust anything Hermione gave him to put in his mouth.
It was far too short a time before Hermione said,
"Ok you guys, this
is it, potion's ready." Both Harry and Draco jumped to their feet as
she walked in carrying two tumblers full of some lavender-coloured
"We drink this now?" Draco asked and Remus nodded,
"This will put you to sleep," he said, "and with
any luck, you'll be eight years younger when you wake up."
Hermione was looking at them with a mixture of
wistfulness and delight. "I'll miss you," she said.
"And you," Harry said, pulling her into a warm
hug, "thank you so
much for helping us." He stepped back and Draco gave Hermione a hug as
"You turned out ok," he said, "Granger." Hermione
laughed and kissed them both.
"Try not to change," she said, "except," she
looked at Draco, "you could be a bit nicer to me in school."
"Consider it done," Draco smiled, a faint blush
on his cheekbones.
"Ready?" Remus' calm voice brought them back to
reality. He held out
the glasses, which Harry and Draco took and drained at once.
"Here goes," Harry said and then they both
slumped to the floor,
blackness sweeping through their minds and eddying their thoughts into
one long tunnel of soporific blurs.
The last things they saw were Remus and Hermione
standing next to them, their arms outstretched to catch them as they
Neither of them remembered hitting the ground.