Seventeen is a problematic number.
It only divides by itself and
one, it’s awkward and thorny, it stands alone among the reams of
multiples, fractions, integers, surds, making calculations difficult
and being a prime irritation all the way. To be seventeen years old is
to bear many of these traits, to be lonely and introverted, awkward and
ungainly, and difficult to live with.
Harry Potter was seventeen years old.
still such a fucking child. Don’t you ever change?” The voice was
Malfoy’s, the voice was raised in irritation, the voice issued from
lips that were twisted into a snarl.
Harry pushed himself from
against the wall as Malfoy gathered up his fallen papers into his arms.
“Me?” he asked angrily. “You’re the one who made my potion explode no
more than two hours ago and you’re calling me childish?”
deliberately knocked these to the floor,” Malfoy muttered through
gritted teeth as the loose leaves of parchment were clutched by his
small, narrow hands.
“You walked into me!”
“You got in my way!” Malfoy stood up, letting his precious pieces of
homework scatter themselves again.
be seventeen is to not be sure of yourself but to still be learning the
invaluable skill of disguise. At seventeen every feeling has edges that
cut so deeply, every insult deserves a biting rejoinder, every ideal is
free from the fissures of realism.
Malfoy looked sure of himself
but Harry wondered whether it was just because he had been seventeen
for longer. He was an inch or two shorter than Harry, the hair that
levelled with his cheekbones worn casually and youthfully, the face
unscarred by either years or abuse.
But he was an adult. They both were. Supposedly.
“Just because Snape lets you get away with murder-”
laughed derisively. “You’re still sore about today’s lesson? For fuck’s
sake, Potter, you would have cocked up that potion far more royally
without my interference. I was doing you a favour.”
“A favour?”
Harry spluttered, intentionally treading on the carefully penned
Transfiguration notes at his feet. “You were being an arrogant bastard,
like you always are!”
“You’re calling me arrogant?” Malfoy looked outraged. “That’s rich
coming from the wizarding world’s Golden Boy.”
“Don’t call me that!”
Malfoy’s smirk returned with a lacing of bitterness. “Don’t like it,
thinks the greatest fault of the wizarding world is the tendency to
drown itself in fantasy. To readily believe the lies that are spread,
because with the added potency of their birthright comes the increased
chance for perversion of their gifts, the increased danger. To believe
that children of seventeen can be ready to face the world as adults is
easier than believing that they will need to be protected from it for
longer. So these two boys were adults. These two boys still battling
with themselves and each other, with hormones, friendships, sexuality
and expectations. They still lived in a microcosm of the world and were
unready to face reality.
Enemies were more acceptable when they
were of a similar build and prowess to yourself, when they were pressed
close to you in anger but you still had that steady bed of confidence.
“Back off, Malfoy,” Harry hissed, knowing full well that Malfoy would
do no such thing.
Malfoy’s face flushed with what could have been anger or exhilaration.
“Make me.”
heart was pounding a fierce tattoo in his chest and this invitation lit
a fire in his veins and sent adrenaline coursing through his body. With
little ceremony he gripped both of Malfoy’s arms above the elbow and
slammed him bodily against the wall. Malfoy gave a gratifying grunt as
the cold hard stones clicked against his spine and Harry leaned in
close, pinning him fast.
“Going to start something?” Malfoy
challenged, his glorious grey eyes sweeping across Harry with all the
coldness of a breath of ice. Harry let out a low growl in his throat
and suddenly those eyes were burning.
Maturity and adulthood is
about restraint. It’s about accepting consequences, being the bigger
person, avoiding unnecessary conflict. Childhood is about drinking life
to the full and viewing with the sharpest colours and the most
razor-sharp senses until it becomes some mad parody of itself and
everything fades into what will be a memory.
At this, seventeen
years old, children amongst muggles, adults amongst wizards. Standing
on the cusp of their life. The moment stood on the edge of a knife and
time held its breath to watch whether impulse would triumph over
Harry pushed himself fully against Malfoy, aligning
them from throat to toe. His raw edge of anger was changing to
something equally intense, equally perplexing and as the heady smell of
Malfoy’s skin washed over him he wondered if he was falling…
arms seemed to have caught him, strong arms with soft skin that wrapped
themselves deathly tight around his waist and tugged them closer
together, coaxing a searing heat between them, a stiffness that was
instantly both recognizable and blurred. Harry gripped Malfoy’s
shoulders and slammed their mouths together, cracking Malfoy’s head
back on the wall as he roughly shoved his tongue into an apparently
altogether willing mouth. There was a moment’s frantic duelling before
Malfoy slanted his lips and kissed Harry properly and it was so bizarre
and strange and should have been horrible but a benefit of only
seventeen years is almost perpetual confusion. It was a second or two
before Harry realized that they were grinding together and Malfoy, with
his back to the wall, was pink-cheeked and gasping into Harry’s mouth.
shoved himself still harder against the Slytherin, eliciting a throaty
groan and feeling him press his wiry strength into Harry, clinging and
pushing away with equal strength.
“Fight your way out of this
one,” Harry murmured, but was cut off as Malfoy nipped at his bottom
lip and reached to grip Harry’s arse through his robes. His glasses
were thrown uncaringly to the floor and at that moment the world shrank
and his brain, trapped by lust, was filled with the image of Malfoy
with his eyes closed and his breath rasping.
“Potter,” he breathed and Harry suddenly wanted as much of him as he
could get.
happening upon the scene would most likely have fainted on the spot.
This was something unheard of, and breaking all the rules of dynamics
and of attraction. For a moment these two boys were just echoes of two
completely different people and the feelings there, no matter the
original nature of them, were raw and deep and full of intensity that
had to be expressed somehow. It went against the order of things but it
was as though a dam had burst, flooding in a tumult of noise and danger
but then leaving nothing but a serene quiet. Until the rains came again.
came instead, sticky and jagged, the breath in their lungs seeming to
corrode them from the inside out. For them to raise their eyes to each
other’s faces took an unforeseen effort.
As ignorant of the
world as most seventeen year olds are, they are understood, in part at
least, by one another and in number they are perhaps a little less