On reflection, it all started on the first Saturday
after Halloween, just after a nice lunch.
Malfoy was chatting away merrily to various sycophants as they gazed at
him, starry eyed. It was difficult being the House sex-god, it required
very unsociable hours, a certain charm and the perks weren’t all that
great. It was unfortunate also that many of the Slytherins were ugly
enough to make a mule back away from an oat bin, but they were
convenient and Draco liked to think he was providing a public service.
In fact, if you really thought about it, which he did often, he should
be commended for satisfying the masses. He was a bit like Jesus in that
Three tables away, Harry Potter, Gryffindor Hero and resident Saviour
of the Wizarding World was talking just as animatedly to his
adoring sycophants and looking up occasionally to glare at his
erstwhile nemesis.
scene was not at all out of the ordinary, but the problem occurred
nonetheless. It was very silly really, but both sides concurred in that
they were most definitely the innocent party. It all started with a
little light-hearted sparring across the tables, nothing to worry
about, thank you, just two known enemies taking the piss out of each
other. After they had covered parentage, lineage, intelligence,
Quidditch prowess, fashion sense and hairstyle, it all got very out of
hand when various other House members got involved. Observe:
“Don’t talk to Harry like that!” Ron shouted across the hall. “You
stupid little ferret!”
Draco said, grinning. “In the battle of wits, you are forever unarmed.
Kindly bugger off back to your hovel and leave us civilized people
“Yeah!” Pansy stood up in a show of Slytherin solidarity. “And take
Scarhead with you!”
“You’re such a trollop, Parkinson!” Hermione shouted. “How dare you!”
“Ah Granger, don’t hurt her feelings,” Draco said, mock reproachfully.
are you going to do about it?” Harry asked, hands on hips, quite
possibly asking the most stupid question ever invented. Draco glowered
at him before turning it into a sly grin.
“Hungry, Potter?” he asked, picking up a bowl of strawberries.
realized what he was going to do a fraction too late. What followed was
a big tasty war across the middle tables that made the Battle of the
Somme look like a Friday night punch-up. Casualties included Ernie
Macmillan, who received a face full of trifle, Susan Bones who was
struck by various courgettes and Ginny Weasley who was taken down by
the accurate wielding of a boiled potato.
After scraping liberal
amounts of strawberry out of his eyelashes five minutes later, Harry
felt someone grip him by the back of his robes and haul him up onto his
toes. Across the room, Professor Snape was doing likewise to Draco.
“Hello Professor McGonagall,” Harry said cheerfully. “You’re looking
very Scottish today.”
“Potter! Malfoy!” she shrieked unnecessarily loudly. “What do you think
you’re doing? Throwing food like children?”
“We weren’t throwing food,” Harry protested lamely. “This isn’t food,
it’s um…”
natural face-packs,” Draco said smoothly, his blond hair rinsed with
green. “We were conducting an experiment, Professor. You see, when
applied with enough force-”
“Mr. Malfoy.”
“-it just smoothes away all the wrinkles-”
“Mr. Malfoy.”
“-and leaves your skin baby soft-”
“Mr. Malfoy.”
“-would you like to try some?”
“Mr. Malfoy!” Professor McGonagall looked irate. “Please cease
your silly excuses!”
Draco looked mutinous through his carroty lashes. “I thought they were
rather endearing.”
“Detention,” McGonagall snapped. “Both of you. Tonight. Report to my
office at eight ‘o’clock sharp.”
Harry groaned.
hours later and not even a vigorous scrubbing had relieved Harry of the
vegetables clinging to his hair. He was pink in the face when he
arrived at McGonagall’s office but balked when she told him and Malfoy
what they were going to be doing.
“Polishing all the school brooms?!” Harry exclaimed, thinking
of the alarmingly well-stocked broom shed out on the Quidditch pitch.
“At this time of night?” Draco looked aghast. “But I’m wearing chiffon!”
“There are hundreds of them!”
“It’s dark outside and I don’t like bats.”
“I won’t get any sleep, Professor, it’s not fair.”
“I heard that Hagrid molests students out in the grounds at night.”
“It’s cold outside.”
“I’m very delicate.”
Professor McGonagall was getting a very bad migraine. “Out! Both of
you! And don’t come back until you’ve finished. And no magic.” She
accio’d their wands and chivvied them, gaping like goldfish, out into
the corridor.
“This is slave labour.” Draco stamped one theatrical foot. “I won’t do
will,” McGonagall replied promptly. “Unless you want Professor Snape to
find out what really happened to his six-month supply of Sir
Shagalott’s Aphrodisiac Potion.”
Draco meeped.
Quidditch pitch closely resembled a big bowl of moonlit peas, the clear
November night making the hoops gleam silver against the sky. It was
very cold, with a biting wind and Harry had to pull his arms into his
body to keep himself warm as he and Draco sprinted across the pitch
towards the long shed that stood at one end. Inside, it was magically
enhanced to make it much larger and rows upon rows of broomsticks met
their eyes, making their hearts sink to somewhere round their navels.
“This is going to take all night,” Harry said resignedly.
“Usually when I hear that phrase I’m in for a better time,” Draco
try not to do anything that will make me want to hurt you,” Harry said.
“I don’t fancy the teachers finding your body out here. That could lead
to awkward questions.”
He picked up a rag and the nearest Comet Two-Sixty and began polishing
it furiously
“Honestly, Potter, I can’t believe you’ve got us into this mess.”
“Me?” Harry exclaimed, “I’ll think you’ll find that was you. Losing
your memory, Malfoy?”
have the memory of an elephant, in fact, they often consult me,” Draco
said, sitting down on a bench and unscrewing the lid of ‘Oily Broom Oil
for Well Oiled Brooms: We’ll oil anything!’, “so I think I’d
remember something like that.”
rolled his eyes and picked up a jar of wax. “I wasn’t the one who threw
the bowl of strawberries,” he snapped. “You had another psychotic
episode and resorted to violence, which never solves anything.”
but it’s so much fun,” Draco said absently. “Besides, I thought you
liked strawberries?” He feigned a look of complete innocence.
my mouth, not in my hair,” Harry replied. “All it did was give the
fifth-years an excuse to lick me in the common room, so thank you very
“You’re complaining?” Draco’s mouth dropped open. “Pretty
little virgins start licking you all over and you’re complaining? You
should be thanking me, Potter for jump starting your sex life.”
don’t need you to get me sex from fifth years,” Harry said, thinking of
the way Colin Creevey had tried to put his tongue in his ear. “I found
the licking business to be very disturbing.”
Draco looked at him
for a long moment and then shook his head sadly. “Oh you poor misguided
creature,” he said as though in lamentation. “That’s not sex.”
He assumed the air of someone having to explain something difficult to
a child. “Let’s see, when two people, who love each other very much and
are slicked up like a McDonald’s McWizard Burger-”
“I know what
sex is, thank you,” Harry said, turning pink. “Gryffindors aren’t full
of unsullied virtue, I’ll have you know. It’s a common misconception.”
wouldn’t dream of presuming such a thing,” Draco said beatifically.
“The way you’re handling that broom, Potter, is enough to convince
anyone of your competence in that respect.”
Harry looked down
at the Shooting Star clamped between his thighs, the head of which he
was carefully massaging and shifted position sharpish. He opened his
mouth and, drawing on his fine command of language, closed it again,
saying nothing. Draco was half heartedly rubbing away at a Nimbus, his
manicured hands looking to be labelled ‘Not for manual labour, keep in
silk gloves until required’. Harry looked down at his own bitten nails
and callused hands and wondered if Draco’s were as silky soft as they
looked. He probably used hand cream, Harry thought, and then wondered
vaguely where he might get some for himself. It was then that he
realised Draco was saying something to him.
“What?” he asked, oblivious.
Draco sighed. “Here I am, deigning to talk to you and you don’t pay
attention. Sometimes I just don’t understand you.”
when you ‘deign to talk to me’ it’s to tell me that my hair looks like
I stuck my finger in a plug socket or that you think I’m getting fat.”
Draco was sniggering helplessly, obviously finding himself incredibly
amusing. “Tell me, Malfoy, do you even know what a plug socket is?”
looked thoughtful for a moment. “Me understanding why it’s funny isn’t
important,” he declared. “All that matters is that you get effectively
“Thank you, it’s the thought that counts,” Harry said
sarcastically. “What were you saying that I wasn’t listening to?” he
asked, picking up the next broom and going to work on it with his rag.
“I was saying that in this day and age it’s fine to be
inexperienced in the bedroom,” Draco said. “I was being helpful.”
“I am not inexperienced!” Harry said hotly. “Just because I
don’t sleep around like you! Crabbe and Goyle, now there’s
inexperience for you.”
Draco looked up at him, blankly. “You are kidding?” he asked
and gave a short laugh. “Crabbe and Goyle have had more sex than you’ve
had hot dinners!” he exclaimed.
Harry was bewildered. “Who with? Not each other?” He suddenly had a
horrifying mental image of Crabbe and Goyle, naked, sweaty and
mid-coitus and thought he was going to fall over from the terror.
Draco replied at once. “At least, I don’t think so.” His manner was
suddenly nonchalant. “Goyle will shag anything that moves,” he
admitted. “Crabbe doesn’t think he should limit himself like that. Are
you alright, Potter? You’ve gone very white.”
“Fine,” Harry
squeaked, turning back to the broom and stacking it on the ‘Just Oiled’
pile he had made himself. “Must scrub out brain and replace it with new
one,” he mumbled to himself. “Mind imploding from horror.”
“Don’t be narrow-minded,” Draco chided. “Crabbe and Goyle have lots
of…um…charms, I’m sure.”
just always figured they’d end up chaste and bald in some monastery far
away from wherever I am,” Harry said. “Or together in some sordid
manner. Either way I imagine them bald.”
“I don’t think they’re gay,” Draco mused. “Not all Slytherins are, you
“Maybe it’s just the snake motif,” Harry supplied. “You seem
excessively fond of it. That and the chiffon.”
Draco looked down at his black sheer shirt with some outrage. “I’m not
gay,” he said. “I just help them out when they’re busy.”
enough,” Harry replied, not really paying attention. He was far more
interested in the way the moonlight seemed to glimmer on Draco’s hair,
making him look like a tall, sleek ice-cream and infinitely lickable.
Harry felt his face approach a dazzling crimson as he paused to wonder
what Draco did taste like when licked.
“Fag?” Draco asked and Harry dropped the broom he was holding.
“Wh-what?” he asked, his heart doing some kind of strange two-step.
“Fag?” Draco repeated and held out a cigarette.
felt inexplicably relieved. “Uh, no thanks,” he said. “Let’s just get
this done.” It annoyed him slightly that Draco seemed to be going at a
much slower rate and was just having a nice sit down between waxing.
“D’you think we could speed this up a bit?” Harry asked, “only I would
have like to get out of here before dawn.”
Draco scowled. “I
said, I’m delicate and must not be subjected to much physical effort.
You’re doing a sterling job, Potter, I can see you have had a lot of
practise in polishing your own broom.”
Harry flushed again but Draco just blinked at him serenely. “You are
not delicate,” he said. “You’re just sodding lazy.”
me?” Draco spluttered. “I’m a frail and dainty person and deserve
nothing but love and luxury. I’m also fucking freezing.” He did
actually look cold and Harry felt a pang of sympathy for him.
“It serves you right for wearing such poncy clothes,” he said.
are a philistine,” Draco declared and continued to shiver, his teeth
chattering melodramatically. “Not even a bloody warming charm in here,
it’s disgraceful.”
“Jog on the spot,” Harry suggested. “It’s a muggle thing to keep you
looked at him like with mild alarm. “Or I could just take one of these
brooms for a quick spin,” he said, looking with interest at the stash
of Nimbus 2003s that were propped, gleaming, against the wall.
“Oh no,” Harry said. “I’ve just waxed them.”
“Then let’s test them out,” Draco suggested, picking up a broom and
straddling it in a very distracting manner.
yes,” Harry said, trying to divert his eyes from where the long shaft
of wood was stretched from between Draco’s thighs. “That’s probably not
a good idea, we’ll get caught.”
“I can understand if you’re
chicken,” Draco said nonchalantly, pulling a snitch out of his pocket
and tossing it from his palm into the air where its wings opened and
started to flutter madly.
“I am not a chicken!” Harry replied vehemently, grabbing the
nearest Nimbus and mounting it.
grinned wickedly. “Let’s have a little one-on-one then, shall we?” he
asked, letting the snitch go and watching it zip out of the open door
and into the night air.
Harry and Draco hared after it,
drawing close together as they went through the door and then not
bothering to separate as they sped over the pitch, eyes fixed on the
glimmering speck of gold that was darting around ahead of them. They
looped and swerved and flew at breakneck speeds up and down the pitch,
gaining ever so slowly on the snitch. They were flying straight, drawn
thigh to thigh, Draco’s lean body next to Harry as they jostled each
other, shouting obscenities and getting their arms and legs tangled
until they had stopped noticing the snitch at all.
“Let go of my
broom, Potter!” Draco yelled, trying to jerk Harry off him, Harry
having clung on to gain an advantage over him. He pulled so hard that
he lost control of his broom and went careering towards the ground,
Harry dragged with him as he too was knocked off balance and unable to
regain a grip on the heavily oiled broom. Swerving futilely, they hit
the ground with a winding thud and rolled several feet before coming to
rest, as tangled together as ever.
Harry groaned, his voice a
throaty rumble somewhere near Draco’s collarbones. The Slytherin was
pressed up against him, his arms interlocked behind Harry’s neck and
one of his thighs lodged against Harry’s groin.
“Are you ok?”
Draco asked huskily, shifting ever so slightly on top of Harry. Harry
could feel a throbbing ache in his gut where his broom handle had
jabbed him as they had fallen. He thought it was going to be horribly
bruised in the morning.
“Yeah,” he said, feeling it gingerly. Draco made no moves to get off
him, instead his face broke into a slow, mischievous smile.
well,” he said, looking thoroughly pleased with himself and motioning
to the space between their hips. “You’re hard, Potter! How sweet.”
“No I’m not!” Harry said, bewildered but honest.
Draco arched one eyebrow. “That definitely feels like wood to me,” he
said silkily.
grinned. “That’s because it is wood, Malfoy,” he said. “You’re rubbing
yourself against my broomstick.” He moved a little and pulled the
Nimbus out from between them so that Draco now lay completely on top of
him, aligned perfectly with his body.
“Oh.” Draco pouted and
looked put out. Harry winced as he felt the ache in his gut start to
drum painfully against his nerves and tiny flashes of pain told him
that he was scratched as well as bruised. “What’s the matter?” Draco
asked, looking concerned.
“I hurt myself when I fell,” Harry said, gesturing to his abused
“Let me see,” Draco said, fingertips reaching beneath Harry’s t-shirt.
“No, it’s fine, really,” Harry said, batting Draco away.
“Fuck off, Potter, I can see how much pain you’re in.”
you don’t need to-” All words died on his tongue as Draco slid smoothly
up his body and straddled him, creating a delicious friction as he did
so, his warm weight settling on Harry’s groin, forcing him to grit his
“Let me see,” Draco said again and lifted Harry’s
t-shirt, Harry being too preoccupied with Draco’s position to stop him.
He felt the wind rush to kiss his bared skin and was gratified to see a
hint of admiration in Draco’s eyes as the Slytherin beheld his firm,
ridged muscles, slick from moonlight and rippling tantalizingly. His
hands were as soft as Harry had anticipated, brushing against Harry’s
skin with an uncharacteristic gentleness that made him want to kiss
them all over. “You’re going to be bruised,” Draco said, clucking his
tongue, “and you’ve got scratches all over your stomach.”
“Ouch,” Harry said succinctly as Draco poked one of them. “Stop that.”
cast a healing charm but I haven’t got my wand,” Draco said absently,
his eyes on Harry’s stomach as he sat back on his thighs, rubbing
against Harry’s groin.
“S’ok,” Harry said, trying desperately to
keep from arching upwards into Draco’s body, wanting more than anything
to prolong the sensation of searing heat and roughness. He lifted his
hips ever so slightly, just enough to make firm contact again and send
sparks of delight shooting the length of his spine. Draco’s eyes closed
for a moment of their own accord and he seemed mesmerized by the gentle
movements between them. Harry could feel himself growing hard but he
arched again, with a little more force and watched as Draco’s eyes flew
open and he let out a small gasp of pleasure.
“Potter,” he
breathed, his voice low and gravelly. He ground himself a little harder
to Harry who felt their erections meet with startling force and threw
his head back against the grass as they rocked together.
he whispered as Draco lowered himself onto his body and he gripped him
even closer. Their mouths were suddenly against each other, sucking all
the air out of Harry’s lungs before nipping and kissing his lips with
remarkable skill and a torrid wetness that left him breathless. Draco’s
tongue flicked against the inside of his mouth, massaging his own and
plundering him, making him his own.
Harry ground himself into
him harder and harder, clenching Draco’s arse through his jeans as
Draco’s hands wound themselves into Harry’s hair and he planted soft
kisses all over his face. Wanting more and more of Draco he fumbled
with the flimsy chiffon shirt and succeeded in divesting him of it,
feeling his own t-shirt being struggled off until their naked torsos
met with a shiver of exhilaration. The skin to skin contact was almost
unbearable and as the friction between them reached intense levels,
Harry spasmed and came, an explosion going off behind his eyes and
tremors of delight rushing through his body. A few seconds later with a
bite to Harry’s lip and a ragged gasp, Draco came as well, clinging to
Harry as though he never wanted to let go.
For a long time
neither of them said anything and they just lay together, enjoying this
new sensation of being so savagely intimate with each other, their lips
red with unspilt blood. Draco looked at him, framed in the moonlight
with silver, his skin smooth and pale and looking debauched and
ravishable. He was the most beautiful thing Harry had ever seen, and he
was filled with an ache of longing so powerful that he wrapped his arms
around Draco again and pulled him close to his body.
It wasn’t until Draco started to shiver from the cold that Harry said,
“Do you think we should go in?”
Draco said, kneeling back and hauling Harry to his feet. They both
looked around for their shirts and Draco let out a small squeaking
sound. “This was Armani!” he wailed looking at the sizeable rip in the
front of the shirt.
“Cost a fortune!”
“No respect for clothes at all!”
continued in this vein until Harry silenced him the most effective way
he could think of, by taking him in his arms and kissing him so deeply
he thought he lost a little of himself along the way. Draco tasted like
toothpaste but slightly bitter and he quietened as Harry’s hands roamed
over him and he tasted and touched Draco with increasing elation,
wanting nothing more than to keep this boy pressed against him.
at last he was released, Draco looked with some thought at Harry, then
at his shirt, then at Harry, then at his shirt until…
“Fuck it.”
Draco threw down the ruined Armani and leapt into Harry so hard that he
was knocked backwards onto the ground. They rolled over so they were on
their sides and Draco moved to stroke the renewed hardness between them
without breaking their kiss.
“Draco?” Harry whispered into his mouth.
“That’s the broomstick again.”